BLES Vaults I: Staking & Liquidity Mining

We are pleased to announce that our liquidity staking program, BLES Vault I will go live on Binance Smart Chain on May 8, 2021 at 08:00…

BLES Vaults I: Staking & Liquidity Mining

We are pleased to announce that our liquidity staking program, BLES Vault I will go live on Binance Smart Chain on May 8, 2021 at 08:00 UTC.

Quick take:

  • Starting Block Height: 7237470
  • Ending block: 9829470
  • Over a 90 day period, 900,000 BLES will be allocated for LP staking
  • Binance Smart Chain generates 20 blocks per minute and approximately 28800 blocks per day
  • Contracts forthis feature was completed on April 25 and were audited by Beosin

BLES Single Asset Staking

BLES single asset staking will occur directly in the staking section of the Blind Boxes platform. Users that stake through this mechanism will earn BLES rewards. On special days involving voting events, there will be an additional bonus for stakers. Specifically, stakers that also vote on a given day, will receive a 50% increase in the amount of BLES awarded to them that day.

Total Reward for Stakers: 200,000 BLES

Daily Rewards for Staking (non-voting): 2222.22 BLES

Daily Rewards for Staking (voting): 3333.33 BLES

BLES per block: 0.077

BLES (BEP-20) Token Contract Address: 0x393d87e44c7b1f5ba521b351532c24ece253b849

BLES-BNB CAKE-LP Dual Asset Staking

By staking BLES-BNB CAKE-LP tokens, liquidity providers earn yield by receiving BLES tokens as rewards.

CAKE-LP Total Rewards: 900,000 BLES

Daily Rewards for LPs: 10,000 BLES

BLES per block: 0.347

BLES-BNB CAKE-LP V2(BEP-20) Token Contract Address: 0xB563Fce9DE726baF5eB845e72499CD87Da5Ac821

BLES and BNB token holders can mint CAKE-LP tokens by adding liquidity on the PancakeSwap DEX. Once the transaction is confirmed, BLES-BNB CAKE-LP tokens will be transferred to the user’s MetaMask wallet address on the Binance Smart Chain Network. Users will then navigate to Blind Boxes platform to stake their LP tokens in the BLES Vault 2 mining pool. The amount of tokens awarded will be based on BSC block generation.

To participate:

Contract address to add BLES to Pancakeswap: 0x393d87e44c7b1f5ba521b351532c24ece253b849

Once you have staked BLES and BNB tokens in the CAKE liquidity pool, you will receive BLES-BNB CAKE LP tokens. In order to see the newly minted liquidity tokens in your wallet, add the token using the contract address: 0xB563Fce9DE726baF5eB845e72499CD87Da5Ac821.

Watch Out for Scammers!

As always, be careful and double-check everything. We can guarantee that Blind Boxes team members will not DM you first. Do not fall prey to imposters and scammers.

Whenever you are in doubt, you are more than welcome to reach out Blind Boxes Community Managers on the Blind Boxes Telegram community.

For your reference, the address of the BLES (ERC-20) token is:


Sign up here to register to Blind Boxes as Collector.

About Blind Boxes

Blind Boxes is a gamified curation platform and launchpad for NFTs (non-fungible tokens). This highly scalable dApp enables brands and creators to diversify their revenue streams, increase the liquidity of their creative assets, and become leaders in decentralized global economies, while engaging fans and buyers to discover and collect rare, limited edition NFTs.

Via the Blind Boxes Marketplace, buyers experience the thrill of time-released curated NFT collections. Collectors virtually unbox exclusive items, curated by tastemakers across art, music, sports, and entertainment. Curation is at the core of our value proposition. The platform offers a commission structure that incentivizes independent contributors to curate blind box collections that feature top-tier talent, emerging artists and designers from around the world.

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