Blind Boxes AMA: Ask Questions, Win $BLES

Many in the Blind Boxes community have questions about the current state and future roadmap of the project. Instead of answering these…

Blind Boxes AMA: Ask Questions, Win $BLES

Many in the Blind Boxes community have questions about the current state and future roadmap of the project. Instead of answering these questions individually, our CEO Anita Angelica Moore will field questions from the community on her vision for the NFT industry, what’s next for Blind Boxes, and where we are going in the future. BLES stakers who participate in the AMA are eligible to win 300 BLES. Other attendees that ask questions that are selected will be rewarded 50 BLES.

These bi weekly AMAs to keep everyone informed. Click here to submit questions.

Who is this for?

The next community AMA will be held in the Blind Boxes Telegram channel. It will be open to everyone, especially:

  • longtime $BLES Hodlers
  • newcomers to the project
  • artists and brands interested in collaboration
  • anyone who voices feedback on social media or Telegram channels
  • anyone who has been called a FUDer by the community

Ask thoughtful questions, earn real $BLES

For this and all self-hosted AMAs, there will be token rewards for participants. To encourage participation we will award $BLES to users that ask the top questions before or during the AMA.


How to win up to 300 BLES per question:

  • Submit questions here OR
  • Submit questions via Twitter using: #BLES #BLESAMA and tagging @blindboxes_io
  • In the case of duplicate questions, the 1st user to submit the question wins
  • Winners must be members of the Blind Boxes Official Telegram group and be following us on Twitter
AMAs take a significant amount of preparation and time to complete. This is why we are most interested in fielding questions from real individuals that follow and invest in the project. Offering boosted rewards for $BLES stakers is one way to incentivize humans and minimize rewards given to BOTs.

~ CEO, Anita Angelica Moore

Boosted rewards for $BLES stakers

Long term stakers are pivotal to our project. As a perk to these users, anyone currently staking in any long term staking pool (30 days or more) unlock the following perks:

  • Boosted AMA rewards of 300 BLES per selected question
  • Preferential selection for one question (if the same question is submitted by more than one user, staking users will get the reward even if their question was submitted later*)

Staking status will be confirmed after the event. Users submitting false information about their staking status will not be rewarded.

  • Questions that are clearly just copies from publicly submitted questions will not receive this perk.

Details for the event

When: Monday Nov 29, 2021

Time: 17:00 UTC

Where: Blind Boxes OFC Telegram

Why AMAs? Wen Moon?

Blind Boxes is taking a gamified approach to NFT adoption by selling NFTs through playful mystery boxes — ranging from exclusive game experiences to unique fine art. The platform is evolving as the NFT, DeFi, and crypto spaces grow and mature.

The beauty of an AMA is that it allows a company to engage directly with the community. The Blind Boxes team will be able to address any questions, concerns, or ideas from the community and receive immediate feedback. This is an opportunity for users to get a deeper understanding of how Blind Boxes intends to disrupt the NFT ecosystem over time.

We are acutely focused on next in NFTs, play-to-earn, and DeFi. This is your chance to hear from us as we share our vision for what’s next in NFTs, how it plans to keep its users engaged, and its overall strategy moving forward.

Users are encouraged to ask questions on anything they want to know about NFTs, the latest news in the space, or even their favorite artists. They can also share their ideas and feedback on future products or features they would like to see from Blind Boxes.

About Blind Boxes

Blind Boxes is a gamified curation platform and launchpad for NFTs (non-fungible tokens). This highly scalable dApp enables brands and creators to diversify their revenue streams, increase the liquidity of their creative assets, and become leaders in decentralized global economies while engaging fans and buyers to discover and collect rare, limited edition NFTs.

Via the Blind Boxes Marketplace, buyers experience the thrill of time-released curated NFT collections. Collectors virtually unbox exclusive items, curated by tastemakers across art, music, sports, and entertainment. Curation is at the core of our value proposition. The platform offers a commission structure that incentivizes independent contributors to curate blind box collections that feature top-tier talent, emerging artists, and designers from around the world.

For all recent announcements and updates, connect with us:

Website | Telegram | $BLES Official Trading Group | Twitter | Discord | Instagram | Github | LinkedIn