Netvrk Land Sale on Blind Boxes: Results + FAQs

The Netvrk Land Sale on Blind Boxes is now concluded. In total, 177 land parcels were sold via our randomized Gashapon-inspired blind box…

Netvrk Land Sale on Blind Boxes: Results + FAQs

The Netvrk Land Sale on Blind Boxes is now concluded. In total, 177 land parcels were sold via our randomized Gashapon-inspired blind box mechanism. In total ~ $159,000 (USDC and BLES) worth of NFTs with future utility in the Metaverse were sold through our marketplace. Let’s recap the progression of the sale and review some FAQs related to these NFTs.


Blind Boxes minted Polygon-based NFTs on behalf of Netvrk and distributed across collections on the Blind Boxes marketplace. Collectors shopped from collections where the per box price was determined by the composition of the pool. Each pool contained a transparent mix of Standard, Medium, and Large land parcels. Both BLES and USDC were accepted.

Sales I — IV were held on the Blind Boxes dApp. Due to a bug, shoppers from collections III and IV had to be refunded or re-randomized. A Live Sale event was with a closed whitelist was conducted, live streamed and recorded. It can be viewed on the Blind Boxes Twitch channel.

To be whitelisted, collectors had to 1. verify their involvement in sales III and IV and 2. provide proof of payment in full. All responses were individually verified via the public ledger. The finalized whitelist was shared with the community via Google Doc before the event started. The document was updated in real time as the parcels were drawn from the machine.


Collectors shopped from collections where the per box price was determined by the composition of the pool. This price was a blended average of the value within each pool, collections with higher ratios of Large : Medium : Standard had higher per box prices, and vice versa.

Across all valid collections, NFTs corresponding to 68 Standard, 41 Medium, 8 Large parcels were sold. NFT’s were distributed to users who paid in full by either BLES or USDC.

Frequently Asked Questions

I bought a box from a compromised collection for 0 USDC, can I keep it?

NFTs sold in compromised collections will NOT be validated by Netvrk. These NFTs have been blacklisted and should not be resold. We have supplied their team with a list of all wallet addresses and NFT contract addresses that participated across the collections. Users with blacklisted NFTs in their wallets should burn them.

You started with 310 parcels, what happened to the extra lands that were not sold?

Blind Boxes minted 310 NFTs in Polygon at the request of Netvrk. Users should burn these NFTs. Wallets that were not included in any sale will be burned by Blind Boxes. They will not be redeemable for Ethereum-based Netvrk NFTs.

I paid for one NFT but now I have two NFTs. Did I win something?

Not quite. You initially purchased one or more NFTs from a compromised collection. In the original sale, you paid in full and received one or more NFTs. However, due to a bug, 90% of the NFTs in that collection were not paid for. All NFTs in compromised collections have been Blacklisted. Your wallet was automatically whitelisted and included in the randomized Live Sale event. You should burn the blacklisted NFT. It will not be honored by Netvrk.

Can I resell these Polygon NFTs?

NFTs from this sale can be resold on the Blind Boxes marketplace. Users must have at least 3 NFTs to launch a collection. All collections must be verified by the Blind Boxes team to ensure no blacklisted assets are included. Any collections that cannot be verified will be removed from the site. With respect to Netvrk related NFTS, collectors should only shop from collections on Blind Boxes that feature a verification star. If you have non-blacklisted NFTs that you want to sell on Blind Boxes, click here to begin the verification process.

I saw a bunch of Netvrk NFTs on OpenSea, are those legit?

We cannot verify the legitimacy of items for sale on OpenSea. We have seen reports of fake Netvrk NFTs being sold on that platform. Only NFTs minted by Blind Boxes and not present on the blacklist will be honored by Netvrk.

Cool, so what is next?

All Polygon-based NFTs sold from collections I, II, and the Live Sale will be directly redeemable for Ethereum-based Netvrk land parcels NFTs once they are launched in October 2021. For updates, stay follow the Blind Boxes and the Netvrk OFC telegram channels.

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About Netvrk

Netvrk is a metaverse and platform, with powerful creation tools and infrastructure to easily create, share, experience, and monetize creations. With a focus on gaming, education, and virtual workplaces, built around ownership of virtual land and assets.

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About Blind Boxes

Blind Boxes is a gamified curation platform and launchpad for NFTs (non-fungible tokens). This highly scalable dApp enables brands and creators to diversify their revenue streams, increase the liquidity of their creative assets, and to become leaders in decentralized global economies while engaging fans and buyers to discover and collect rare, limited edition NFTs.

Via the Blind Boxes Marketplace, buyers get to experience the thrill of time-released white-labeled blind box series, where a collector can draw from and unlock sealed packages of exclusive items, curated by tastemakers across the arts, music, & entertainment sectors. Curation is at the core of our value proposition. The platform offers a commission structure that incentivizes independent contributors to produce bespoke blind box collections that feature top-tier talent and emerging artists and designers from around the world.

For all recent announcements and updates, connect with us:

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