Non Fungible Tokens (NFTs) in a new avatar — Blind Boxes announces an IDO on Ignition

We are delighted to announce the Blind Boxes Initial DEX Offering (IDO) on Ignition Launchpad — PAID Network’s feature product that allows…

Non Fungible Tokens (NFTs) in a new avatar — Blind Boxes announces an IDO on Ignition

Non Fungible Tokens (NFTs) reimagined — Blind Boxes announces an IDO on Ignition

We are delighted to announce the Blind Boxes Initial DEX Offering (IDO) on Ignition Launchpad — PAID Network’s feature product that allows blockchain-based token projects to raise funds through public and private auctions. The onboarding process is being facilitated by Innovion — one of the world’s leading blockchain advisory firms.

We are excited to announce: the whitelist for Blind Boxes IDO on Ignition is now open. Apply HERE!

Whitelist Start: March 18, 2021, 02:00 PM UTC
Whitelist Close: March 22, 2021, 02:00 PM UTC

BlindBoxes IDO on Ignition: March 26, 2021, 02:00 PM UTC

“With Blind Boxes, we are ushering in a new era of mainstream NFT adoption with our gamified curation platform for digital collectibles. We are pumped to team up with Ignition to launch our IDO.”

~ Anita Angelica Moore — Co-founder & CEO, Blind Boxes

Elevating the NFT experience

Blind Boxes is revolutionizing the way NFT creators are discovered while streamlining the way NFT works are sold. NFTs have clearly taken the crypto world by storm. Currently, digital collectible assets are being sold individually, through traditional auction formats. This auction format works for mainstream artists with massive followings. However, for talented but less promoted artists, these crowded auction-based marketplaces are not ideal. As such we are seeing far too many talented artists minting their work only to remain undiscovered by buyers. Furthermore, wash trading, a market manipulating practice whereby buyers bid up the prices of their own pieces) is far too prevalent in the NFT arena.

Blind Boxes mission is clear: boost the sales, circulation, and reach of digital creators while allowing collectors to unbox and discover rare NFTs.

How do we do this? Curators are at the core of our value cycle. Curators and brands can create discrete Blind Box collections. As the maestro of a collection, the curator invites specific artists to add NFTs to their collection. The creators are free to choose the pricing of their NFTs. When the collection is full, the platform closes the collection, seals each NFT in a virtual box, and assigns each box the same price tag. Finally, the boxes are sold from the collection, one at a time. The specific NFT received by a buyer is only revealed once the collection is fully sold out and the buyer “unboxes” the purchase.

For creators, Blind Boxes allows them to broaden their reach, thus boosting circulation and the potential for future higher sales. For collectors, opening boxes lets them discover rare digital assets highly curates from established brands and emerging talent.

Additional benefits for creators and collectors

After the initial sale, NFT creators also can earn a stream of passive income through smart contract-enabled royalties. Every time their work is resold in the secondary market, a royalty is automatically deposited to the wallet of the original creator. This is the beauty of smart contracts.

The Blind Boxes Foundation offers financial support to promising creators via grants. In this way, we aim to facilitate innovation and a level playing field in the dynamic and rapidly evolving NFT space. By ameliorating the financial hurdles often associated with top-flight creativity, the fund vastly enhances the ability of emerging talent to focus on their craft.

Blind Boxes will offer lower price thresholds and will also incorporate a payment gateway to accelerate mainstream adoption of NFTs while providing a boost to crypto rookies embarking on their digital collectible journey.

“Blind Boxes’ team is amazing and I couldn’t be prouder to have them be the first NFT project we launch on Ignition. Their gamified NFT marketplace is a real ecosystem, and I’m excited to see how well they do!”

~ Kyle Chassé — Founder & CEO, PAID Network

Be part of the Blind Boxes IDO on Ignition: Join the Whitelist HERE.

Join our thriving community

Blind Boxes will create $BLES — the native token of the platform. Token holders can vote on governance matters, and also partake in key decision-making for the platform.

$BLES tokens will soon be available on centralized as well as decentralized exchanges and can also be minted by opening Blind Boxes, selling NFTs, and receiving airdrops. We invite you to join us on this exciting journey

About Ignition

Ignition is a featured product of PAID Network, operating as a decentralized swapping protocol that allows blockchain-based token projects to offer their private and public auctions. The platform features Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain (BSC), and here shortly, Polkadot functionality.

Ignition is different from other auction platforms in that it properly vets and selects only top-tier cutting-edge projects. Its multi-level incentivization mechanisms for participants of published projects will encourage HODLing that supports both the project founders and the community. It isn’t just a trading platform, it FUELs projects and takes fundraising to the next level.

Ignition brings quality projects, fixed swaps, and equitable lottery participation to the PAID community.

About Blind Boxes

Blind Boxes is the world’s first gamified curation platform plus launchpad for non-fungible tokens (NFTs). The platform offers increased exposure to digital talent, empowering them to package their works with accomplished creators as part of an enviable collection instead of selling it as a single, stand-alone NFT. For collectors, these rare works are accessible in the form of an exciting mystery box — the exact contents of which remain undisclosed until the time they’re unveiled. Thus Blind Boxes combines the ingenuity of a digital creator, with the thrill of a mystery box, and the transparency of a blockchain.

For all recent announcements and updates, connect with Blind Boxes at:

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