Radioshack Lists Blind Boxes’ $BLES Token

RadioShack, the iconic 100-year-old brand, has listed $BLES on their decentralized exchange (DEX). Now, the Blind Boxes community has a…

Radioshack Lists Blind Boxes’ $BLES Token

RadioShack, the iconic 100-year-old brand, has listed $BLES on their decentralized exchange (DEX). Now, the Blind Boxes community has a fresh way to swap tokens on Binance Smart Chain. In the United States, the RadioShack brand is embedded into the cultural fabric, with pop culture references such as Sopranos, Stranger Things, Oceans 11, and this iconic Superbowl commercial.

In 2021 the company announced a shift from consumer electronics to crypto, to bring blockchain closer to mass adoption.

RadioShack has one objective: Distribution and usage by millions of individuals but possibly more important, by hundreds of blue-chip, large corporations as their gateway into becoming blockchain companies.
— RadioShack whitepaper
I’ve been a tinkerer and gadget person since I was a teen. Living that #gadgetlife meant many hours spent in RadioShack. We are delighted to be part of this longstanding brand’s pivot to the Web 3 space.
— Anita Angelica Moore, CEO Blind Boxes

Check out this video of our CEO Anita Angelica Moore (@cryptonita_) explaining this partnership:

Three reasons to get excited about this news:

  • The strength of their brand offers potential for future viral co-marketing activities
  • Teaming up with this iconic brand exposes the Blind Boxes project to new communities of mainstream consumers
  • Every new exchange listing increases the distribution and traceability of the BLES token

How to trade $BLES on RadioShack

  • Start here:
  • Connect your Web 3 wallet to Binance Smart Chain
  • Access the BLES trading pairs by pasting the BLES token contract (0x393d87e44c7b1f5ba521b351532c24ece253b849) into the exchange search bar

Got questions?

Speak to a community manager within the Blind Boxes Official Telegram Channels:

RadioShack evaluates projects before listing to ensure quality across their DEX. Only projects that satisfy their comprehensive vetting process are listed. We are delighted to partner with Radioshack and be an early adopter of their DEX.

About RadioShack

RadioShack is a 100-year-old brand embedded into the global consciousness, now on a mission to be the first protocol to bridge the gap to mainstream usage of blockchain and cryptocurrencies.

As a first step, RadioShack is fixing the chaotic and dispersed nature of liquidity addition on today’s AMMs. To solve this problem, RadioShack aims to significantly reduce the diameter of the graph of swappable tokens, and increase liquidity per pair. This will be achieved by using a single large-degree node (the RADIO node) to create what they refer to as The Starfish Topology: a pairing of the single large node with all swappable pairs.

RadioShack Links:

Whitepaper | Website |Discord | Twitter | Telegram

About Blind Boxes

Blind Boxes is a gamified curation platform and launchpad for NFTs (non-fungible tokens). This highly scalable dApp enables brands and creators to diversify their revenue streams, increase the liquidity of their creative assets, and become leaders in decentralized global economies while engaging fans and buyers to discover and collect rare, limited edition NFTs.

Via the Blind Boxes Marketplace, buyers experience the thrill of time-released curated NFT collections. Collectors virtually unbox exclusive items, curated by tastemakers across art, music, sports, and entertainment. Curation is at the core of our value proposition. The platform offers a commission structure that incentivizes independent contributors to curate blind box collections that feature top-tier talent, emerging artists, and designers from around the world.

Official Links: Website | Telegram | $BLES Official Trading Group | Twitter | Discord | Instagram | Github | LinkedIn